The Center for ADHD Research, Education, and Services has several ongoing studies in the Richmond, VA area. Families often may get free psychoeducational evaluations and/or free treatment through our research studies. Please check back regularly for updates on projects that are recruiting participants.
Studies Currently Recruiting Participants
Parenting African American Children with and without ADHD
PI: Heather A. Jones, PhD
The primary aim of this study is to compare parenting behaviors and cognitions between African American mother-child dyads (i.e., between dyads with children with and without ADHD). Given the research on racial/ethnic differences in parenting both in the general population and in families of children with ADHD, it is important to better characterize African American parenting within this clinical population. This research should help to elucidate the relationships between diagnosis, parenting, and ethnic identity. This study is currently recruiting participants. Please call and leave a message at 804-828-5656 for more information.

Ongoing Studies
These studies are no longer recruiting participants.
Efficacy of an Organizational Skills Intervention for Middle School Students with ADHD
R305A130011 Langberg (PI) 08/01/13 – 07/30/17
The primary goal of this project is to examine the efficacy of the Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS) intervention in comparison to a homework support intervention for improving the academic functioning of students with ADHD.
Source: Department of Education; Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
Total Cost Amount: $2,414,164
Role: Principal Investigator
Multisite Study of School Based Treatment Approaches for ADHD Adolescents
1R01MH082865 Langberg (PI) 07/01/09 - 03/31/15
The primary goal of this study if to evaluate the efficacy of two models of school-based psychosocial intervention for the treatment of adolescents with ADHD.
Source: NIMH
Total Cost Amount: $1,687,500
Role: Principal Investigator
Evaluation of an Intervention for Improving Community-Based Pediatric ADHD Care
1R01MH083665 Epstein (PI) 07/01/10 – 06/30/15
The primary goal of this study is to conduct a cluster randomized trial of the ADHD Collaborative intervention in order to evaluate the intervention’s effectiveness at improving pediatricians’ ADHD-related practice behaviors, patient outcomes, family satisfaction with ADHD care, and cost effectiveness.
Source: NIMH
Total Cost Amount: $2,997,444
Role: Co-Investigator

Recently Completed Studies
Organizational Skills Intervention: Homework, Organization, and Planning System
Grant Number: R305A090305 - Department of Education - Institute for Education Sciences
PI: Joshua Langberg, PhD
Collaborators: Jeff Epstein, PhD; Mekibib Altaye, PhD
The objective of the study is to develop and evaluate an intervention that directly targets the organizational difficulties of children with ADHD. Participants are taught to implement and self-monitor a structured system of bookbag, locker and binder organization and to effectively plan and manage time for the completion of homework, tests and projects. In the final year of the study, a small randomized trial (60 participants) were completed comparing the HOPS intervention to treatment-as-usual care.
Motivational Interviewing for African American Caregivers of Children with ADHD
The primary goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of motivational interviewing for African American caregivers of children with ADHD in changing help-seeking behaviors.
Source: Virginia Commonwealth University, Center for Clinical and Translational Research
Total Cost Amount: $46,480
Role: Principal Investigator
The BEST (Brothers Energized, Spirited, Talented) Project
This small internal grant was designed to compare the efficacy of several treatment arms of a multimodal intervention for at-risk African American middle school males.
Source: Virginia Commonwealth University, Quest Innovation Fund
Total Cost Amount: $49,972
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Micah McCreary, Ph.D.)