Jones, Heather

Heather Jones, Ph.D.

My research broadly focuses on evidence-based assessment and intervention with at-risk and vulnerable populations of children and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), particularly those families that are difficult to engage in mental health services (e.g., ethnic minority and/or low income). Currently, my research lab is examining parenting in African American families of children with and without ADHD and how parenting in these families may differ by type of interaction (i.e., unstructured free play vs. structured homework time), socioeconomic status, child diagnostic status and parental racial identity. Additionally, we collaborate with faculty on VCU's medical campus to investigate ADHD symptoms and impairment during pregnancy. Finally, I am funded on a grant designed to train the next generation of psychologists specializing in the delivery of mental health services via integrated primary care and am interested in investigating the child and family outcomes from this service.

I received a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Maryland at College Park and completed an internship at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. I went on to complete a two-year postdoctoral fellowship with the Center for ADHD at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Following fellowship, I joined the faculty at the University of Akron and remained as a research psychologist there for three years. I also was on the training faculty as the research mentor for the Akron Children’s Hospital Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship and worked with staff at the hospital on a number of research projects. I am currently a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Virginia. I teach graduate courses in child therapy and supervise the ADHD clinic practicum. I teach an undergraduate course in  child psychopathology.

Phone: (804) 828-5641
Research lab: Families and Mental Health Research Lab



Langberg, Joshua

Joshua Langberg, Ph.D.

Dr. Langberg received his PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology from the University of South Carolina and completed his internship at Duke University Medical Center. Prior to coming to VCU, he spent five years as an Assistant Professor in the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Department of Pediatrics. He is a licensed clinical psychologist in Virginia. Dr. Langberg’s research and clinical expertise is in the assessment and treatment of adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He has received grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and U.S. Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences (IES), to study the impact of school-based interventions on the academic and behavioral functioning of students with ADHD. Through these grants, Dr. Langberg developed and published the Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS) intervention. The HOPS intervention teaches children and adolescents with ADHD how to use organization and time management skills to improve academic performance.

Dr. Langberg and his students are currently conducting research in a wide variety of areas related to ADHD (see PASS publications), including alcohol use and comorbid disorders in college students with ADHD, sleep problems in adolescents with ADHD and their impact on behavior and school functioning, written expression abilities in adolescents with ADHD, assessment and treatment of ADHD in primary care settings, executive functions in ADHD and the association with academic and social performance, and factors that may predict successful academic trajectories in youth with ADHD. Dr. Langberg has a large on-going grant from IES that includes providing school-based interventions for close to 300 middle school age adolescents with ADHD. Dr. Langberg's students work on this project, assisting with the diagnostic and behavioral evaluations and outcome assessments. 

Phone: (804) 828-6273
Research lab: PASS lab (Promoting Adolescent Student Success)